Aug 3 2023 - vakcinisana u moj pvc korset prsata prsata sa mojim pvc keceljama
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Ауг 3 2023 - вакцинисана у мој пвц корсет прсата прсата са мојим пвц кецељама
Today I got sealed up with my black PVC corset vest. It was a delightful session with 8 runs all averaging about 1 minute - 2 minutes. It was extremely tight on all runs and very relaxing. No finale on this one. The video you will see is one of the more rare sessions where you get to see me just being me and exploring sensations with my autism and sensory disorder. I knew after 8 runs I was starting to get relaxed, like sleepy relaxed. I decided to for safety call the session after the 8th run. Even on runs before I was thinking about it but felt I could give it another few runs before I call it. After Run 8 though, I honestly if I didn't have all the editing and things to do, could have curled up in bed with my corset vest and drifted off into sleep.
Video Transkripcija
Hello everyone, I've got my black PVC corset vest on.
Mike over there actually did the adjustments and everything.
I will have to wear this somewhere one day soon.
It's going to look really good somewhere.