Biti izvor telesne tečnosti mi se čini kao božanski način da izrazim veliko zadovoljstvo koje osećam, ali ako se ovome dodam, ja h
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Бити извор телесне течности ми се чини као божански начин да изразим велико задовољство које осећам, али ако се овоме додам, ја х
Being a source of bodily fluids seems to me to be a divine way of expressing the great pleasure I feel, but if added to this I have the joy of letting new sensations flow through my big tits, it is necessary to share them with you, the divinity of my body, my movements. I love touching myself, filling myself with caresses full of great lust, desire, delicious unseemly and sexual thoughts, I cannot deny that sometimes I imagine them, I imagine you, I imagine how you give some sweet and soft licks to my nipples, while you suck my sweet and White milk directly from my tits, I want to feed you, I want you to possess me through my liquids, I want to extract yours from you and we both reach climax.